Which Is the Best Way To Cook Chicken Noodle Soup?

Chicken noodle soup is a timeless and cherished classic, revered for its comforting qualities and capacity to calm the spirit. Whether you’re under the weather or want a hearty meal, a steaming homemade chicken noodle soup is the perfect remedy.

Although there is no single “best” approach to preparing this comforting dish, several methods can yield a delicious result. This article, will explain which is the best way to cook chicken noodle.


  • 450 grams of boneless, skinless poultry breasts or thighs
  • 1.9 liters or 8 glasses of homemade or commercially prepared poultry broth
  • 2 cut and peeled carrots
  • two cut celery stalks
  • 1 onion minced finely
  • 3 minced cloves of garlic
  • 1 sage leaf
  • a tablespoon of powdered thyme
  • flavor with salt and pepper
  • 180 grams of egg vermicelli or your preferred pasta
  • Optional garnishing with fresh chives

Which Is the Best Way To Cook Chicken Noodle Soup


1. Prepare The Chicken

  • If you’re using a whole chicken, take the giblets out of the chicken’s body. Then, wash the chicken well under cold water to get rid of any extra blood and dirt.
  • In a large soup saucepan, place the whole chicken. You can skip the rinsing stage and directly place chicken parts, such as thighs and breasts, in the pot.

2. Cook The Chicken

  • Add eight cups of chicken broth to the saucepan containing the chicken. Either homemade or store-bought chicken bouillon may be used.
  • Add four cups of water to the kettle to create a flavorful, well-balanced broth.
  • Bring the liquid to a boil by turning the heat up to high. Turn the heat down to a slow simmer once the liquid starts to boil.
  • If you are using a whole chicken, allow it to simmer for 45 to 60 minutes or until it is thoroughly cooked and tender. When the meat is done, it should detach readily from the bone. Typically, chicken segments require a shorter cooking time, between 20 and 30 minutes.

3. Skim The Broth

  • Foam and impurities may rise to the surface of the broth as the chicken simmers. Remove and discard these impurities using a spoon.
  • This serves to clarify the broth and creates a clean soup.

4. Remove And Shred The Chicken

  • When the chicken is thoroughly cooked, remove it carefully from the pot and place it on a cutting board to cool.
  • Shred the flesh while the chicken is still warm using two forks or your fingers. If you use a whole chicken, discard its bones and skin.

5. Add Vegetables and Seasonings

  • Return the chicken to the stockpot along with the chicken shreds.
  • To the saucepan, add the chopped onion, sliced carrots, sliced celery, minced garlic, bay leaves, dried thyme (or fresh thyme, if available), salt, and pepper.
  • Allow these ingredients to simmer for approximately ten to fifteen minutes or until the vegetables are tender. This enables the flavors to combine and infuse the broth.

6. Cook The Noodles

  • While the vegetables are simmering, follow the directions on the package to cook the noodles in a different pot.
  • They should be cooked until “al dente,” which means they should still have a minor bite.
  • Drain and set aside the cooked noodles.

7. Combine And Serve

  • Add cooked noodles to the saucepan along with the chicken and vegetables. Stir well to incorporate.
  • Allow the soup to simmer for five minutes or until the noodles are warm.

8. Garnish And Serve

  • Before serving, sample the soup and, if necessary, add additional salt and pepper.
  • The bay leaves should be removed from the broth, as they are not edible.
  • Freshly chopped parsley should be added to each bowl of chicken noodle broth before serving. This contributes a splash of color and an explosion of flavor.

Recipe Variations

Our Recipe Sticks to Traditional Ingredients and Flavors, but That Doesn’t Mean There Aren’t Ways to Make It Your Own:

  • Add 2-4 tablespoons of heavy cream or half-and-half for a creamier chicken noodle soup. This is how we make our creamy chicken soup.
  • Add Three to Four Lemon Slices for Lemon Chicken Soup, Comparable to This Lemon Chicken and Vegetable Soup.
  • Add three or four slices of lime, replace the parsley with fresh cilantro, and add diced tomatoes and cubed avocado for a Mexican-inspired chicken soup. You can also add diced corn tortillas to this tortilla chicken soup, like we do.
  • Umami-Rich Soup can be made by adding a teaspoon of heated sesame oil and a few drops of fish sauce.
  • Add fresh spinach or kale to soup at the end of cooking to make it more vegetable-rich.
  • Substitute the Noodles with Potatoes, Winter Squash, Rice, Quinoa, or Grains. Add robust vegetables (such as potatoes) to the pot along with the onions and carrots. Cooked rice and grains should be added to the dish. Consider Our Sausage and Potato Soup or Our Homemade Creamy Potato Soup for Inspiration.

Save Time By Using Rotisserie Or Leftover Chicken

  • If you have leftover chicken or a rotisserie chicken, add two to three cups of shredded or diced cooked chicken and dried noodles for the simplest chicken noodle soup.
  • Reduce the simmer time by 10 minutes, as there is no longer any need to cook the chicken thighs. When roasting a whole chicken the night before, we employ this method.


To ensure that your homemade chicken noodle soup has the maximum amount of flavor, follow these simple steps:

  • Use chicken with bones, not without bones. The bones add an abundance of flavor to the broth.
  • Ensure the freshness of your dried botanicals. Check the expiration dates because dried botanicals lose flavor over time.
  • Avoid haste. This soup must simmer for quite some time to extract the most flavor from the chicken, vegetables, and seasonings. However, as it simmers, it requires little attention.
  • Salt must not be forgotten. Salt not only imparts a “salty” flavor to food, but it also helps our tongue differentiate between flavors. Hence, ensure the broth is salted to taste at the end to fully appreciate the flavorful components.

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