How To Make Healthy Dog Food At Home?

Making your own dog food can be a fun way to make sure your pet friend gets the best nutrition. Before making big changes to your dog’s food, it’s important to talk to your vet because their nutritional needs depend on their age, size, breed, and any health problems they already have. This article, will explain how to make healthy dog food at home.

Recipe Features

  • It is an inexpensive, simple alternative to prepare with healthful, low-fat, and grain-free ingredients.
  • Numerous healthful alternatives and supplements are available to make your dog even happier.
  • It takes only 30 minutes to prepare this nutritious dog food!
  • This dish can be prepared on the cooktop or in an Instant Pot.
  • You can also freeze it, sparing you months of time and effort.


  • Protein source (like lean ground beef, chicken, turkey, or fish)
  • Carbohydrates come from foods like brown rice, sweet potatoes, and oatmeal.
  • Carrots, peas, spinach, and broccoli are examples of vegetables.
  • Optional lipids (such as olive oil or fish oil for Omega-3 fatty acids, for instance)
  • Calcium source (eggshells, calcium supplement, etc.).
  • Water

How To Make Healthy Dog Food At Home?


1. Consult With Your Vet

  • Before you begin producing homemade dog food, it is essential to consult your veterinarian.
  • They can provide valuable insight into your dog’s nutritional needs, considering age, breed, size, and health conditions.

2. Choosing Protein Sources

  • Protein of high quality is essential for your dog’s muscle growth and overall health.
  • You may select lean options such as minced beef, chicken, turkey, or fish.
  • Be sure to thoroughly simmer the protein and remove any bones, skin, or excess fat.
  • Additionally, cooking kills bacteria that could make your dog unwell.

3. Three Sources Of Carbohydrates

  • Carbohydrates provide your dog with vitality.
  • Whole grains such as brown rice, cereals, and quinoa are wonderful options.
  • These grains should be cooked until they are soft and readily digestible.
  • By mashing or pureeing fruits and vegetables, you can make them simpler for your dog to eat and digest.

4. Developing Vegetables

  • Your dog needs the vitamins and minerals that are in vegetables.
  • Carrots, peas, spinach, and broccoli should be steamed or boiled until soft, but not raw.
  • When food is cooked too long, nutrients can be lost.
  • If you mash or puree these veggies, they will be easier for dogs with tooth problems to digest.

5. Blending Components

  • Mix the cooked protein, carbs, and veggies together in a big dish.
  • This blend is the base of the homemade food you make for your dog.
  • By adding a small amount of healthy fats like olive or fish oil, you can give your dog important fatty acids that are good for his skin, coat, and health as a whole.

6. Calcium-Based Sources

  • Calcium is important for bones and teeth that are in good shape.
  • Finely ground eggshells can be added as a natural source of calcium.
  • Please talk to your vet about the right amount, which can change based on what your dog needs.
  • Some dog owners also choose calcium tablets.

7. Portion Management

  • Figuring out the right amount size is important for your dog’s health.
  • Your vet can help you choose the right amount based on your dog’s size, age, and how much he or she moves around.
  • Keeping an eye on your dog’s weight and changing how much food it gets as needed will help it stay at a healthy weight.

8. Serving And Keeping

  • Before serving the homemade dog food to your pet, allow it to cool thoroughly.
  • Store unused portions in the refrigerator using airtight containers and consume them within a few days.
  • You can also freeze leftovers for extended storage, ensuring they remain fresh.

9. Keeping An Eye On Your Dog

  • Keep a close eye on your dog’s health and well-being.
  • Check their weight, coat state, level of energy, and attitude often.
  • Talk to your vet right away if you notice any changes, like weight loss or digestive problems, so that they can make changes to the homemade food.

10. Diverse Ingredients

  • To ensure a balanced diet over time, regularly vary the protein and vegetable sources in your homemade dog food recipes.
  • This diversity will contribute to providing a vast array of nutrients and preventing nutritional imbalances.

Homemade Dog Food Seasoning

It’s common knowledge that fresh herbs and spices benefit a person’s health and diet, but did you know that they can also be helpful to your dog’s diet?

  • Oil: Each quantity of dog food should contain a few tablespoons of oil rich in omega-3 fatty acids. I typically use olive oil or sunflower oil because I usually have them on hand, and they are inexpensive. There are also excellent Omega oil mixtures on the market that contain Omegas 3, 6, and 9 but are typically more expensive.

Freezing And Storage Instructions

This recipe yields an abundance of sustenance. The preponderance of the food will need to be frozen.

  • Determine how much your dog eats per meal.
  • Add a meal-sized portion to individual freezer-safe containers or sacks. Ensure that the food has had sufficient time to chill. Typically, one hour at ambient temperature is adequate. Never leave food out for more than two hours or overnight.
  • Insert the containers or sacks into the freezer.
  • Before consuming, remove daily meals from the freezer and store them in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
  • If you prefer to reheat your dog’s food, place it on a microwave-safe plate and prepare it to lukewarm, never hot, in the microwave. Additionally, you can heat on a cooktop. Please refrain from warming plastic.

Remember that while homemade dog food can be an excellent addition to your pet’s diet, it should not be used as a sole source of nutrition. Under the guidance of your veterinarian, you should prepare homemade meals to satisfy your dog’s specific nutritional needs and ensure they receive all essential nutrients.

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